untangling the web

poetry about and photography of everyday happenings and sights

A Walk in the Neighborhood

1 Comment

A vanilla latté, a clean

CT scan, and a walk in

the neighborhood

with Luna at my side

makes my heart soar.

The sweet scent of

honeysuckle, the sight

of lavender, the throaty

whistle of a tufted titmouse,

the piercingly sweet call

of a Carolina wren,

a deer scampering

across the road,

hydrangeas adorned with 

purple and white blossoms, 

magnolias in full bloom, 

and the delicate flowers

of coral bells stretching

heavenward. Orange

lilies screaming for 

attention, purple clematis

rising up a mailbox,

the resinous smell of a

blue spruce, and last

of all, my climbing 

hydrangea snaking its

way across the pergola

on the deck, blooming

like never before.

Author: BHW

I am an octogenarian, mother, grandmother, wife, sister, friend, voracious reader, and amateur poet. I am dedicated to keeping both my mind and body active through yoga and tai chi, walks with my dog, rich discussion with my book club and 70+ groups, and numerous other activities. I have a deep curiosity about the world and its inhabitants.

One thought on “A Walk in the Neighborhood

  1. So beautiful,Betty,  the gift of good health and a deep appreciati


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